Sunday, November 15, 2009

Let Me Hear Your Voice-Big Bang

Why hello there again. This is my secound blog(: It is sunday today and I would have to say it was okay. I went to morning sunday school to learn bible and whatnot. It was so boringg =___=" and then after that I had to go to church. So the total i spend for my whole morning is 3 hours. But its better then having afternoon classes then I cant go shopping cause the mall closes early? Yush, after that I ate this pho place that I eat every sunday! But you never get bored of it I guess I just love to eat pho ROFLS. OUU OUU! and I went to this asian chinese statue place thingy and got to pig looking cats to put in my room XD it was cheep so I guess thats why my mom let me bought it? heh heh. So now I have statues in my room O_O sounds weird.

Lately my new addiction song is Let Me Hear Your Voice-Big Bang. Its really good and addicting. I like their voices in this. Its very differnt then their other songs. Haha right now my mom is like banging my dogs food bowl to make him eat his dog food since he never does and eats human food to much. Which is very bad but we manage and at the end he eats his doogy food but it takes awhile to persue the poor thing. OMG, Im so excited we have no school next week for 3 fudgeing days! Wednesday-Friday then adding on Saturday and I have no Sunday class so its like 5 days of freeness almost a week 8D oh yesss. I GET TO EAT TURKEYS AND STUFFINGS. Huuhuu. Then when you dont even know it Christmas Break is just around the corner for presentss moowahaha. Im really excited now even though Thanksgiving has not even happened yet but if I keep that in my mind I wont be so bored? Heh. I guess right now I should be gettting ready to go to school but Im to lazzy. Sigh I have a Science test this Tuesday x-x I really hope I get at leaste an B+ on it or even better an A. RAWRR. Anhiways right now Im aiming with Twinny and Phithy ! ^=^ So I shall go now bai bai .

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